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Principles Of Color Theory Pdf Downloadbfdcm NEW!

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pdf principles of color theory pdf downloadbfdcm. dirisch-lah and his co-worker studied chameleons to see if they could use them to help understand human color vision. in this article, we will use red and green color blindness to better understand how we see color. the principal of color theory is a science of color, founded on the study of the human eye, and first described in works by euclid of megara in 300 bc. the principles of color theory explain how light is reflected from a surface and how it is perceived by the eye. the primary colors are red, green and blue, and are the purest light colors in the visible spectrum. when light is reflected, and perceived as a color by the eye, the three principle colors are combined in varying degrees to create a multitude of colors. it should be noted that the human eye is sensitive to colors in much more degrees than the prism of a kaleidoscope. since the eye can distinguish so many more colors than the prism, it is the prism that is compared to the eye, and the prism is more limited. this article will take a look at some of the basic principles of color theory, and how they can be used to explain human color vision. the first principle of color theory is the law of reflection. this states that when light is reflected from a surface, the image on the back of the mirror is the same as the image on the front. thus, the image seen by the eye is of the color of the light source, no matter what the material the light source is shining on. this is easily demonstrated by the reflection of light in a mirror. since the image on the back of the mirror is the same as the image on the front, no matter how much you move the mirror around, the image on the front and the image on the back will always be the same. this is the same principle that can be used to explain the color of a light bulb in a bathroom. if the light from the light bulb is red, the image on the back of the mirror (in a reflection in a bathroom) will be red. if the light from the light bulb is green, the image on the back of the mirror (in a reflection in a bathroom) will be green. if the light from the light bulb is blue, the image on the back of the mirror (in a reflection in a bathroom) will be blue. the second principle of color theory is the law of refraction. this states that the refraction of light is proportional to its color. therefore, since the refraction of light is proportional to its color, the colors perceived by the eye are also proportional to the colors of the light source. this is easily demonstrated by the refraction of light through a prism. a prism is a transparent, flat piece of solid material that has two opposite sides with different refractive indexes. light travels at a different rate through different materials. light travels the fastest through a transparent material (like glass). the light ray is bent the most (is refracted the most) when it hits a transparent material. if the material in a prism is transparent, the light ray is refracted to the side of the prism with the higher refractive index. 3d9ccd7d82

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